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cycle. Washing results are adversely
affected by an overloaded drum.
Overloading may also cause wrinkling
and abrasion on clothes.
Make sure power button is off before
loading the washer. To load the
• Pullthedoorhandle.
• Placelaundryitemslooselyinthe
• Mixsmallandlargeitemsforaneven
load distribution. Large items should
be loaded first. Large items should
not be more than half of the total
wash load.
• Ifyouputawashbagornetwhich
is filled with small items in the drum,
put an additional wash bag to
prevent load unbalance. Both wash
bags should have the same amount
of items to provide an even load
• Beforewashingasingleorafew
items such as a pillow, a teddy bear,
a single or a pair of shirts, sweat
shirts etc, put some additional items
in the drum for better load distribution
and spinning.
• Makesurethatthereisnoclothing
obstructing the door or caught
between the door and rubber seal.
• Pushtheloadingdoorfirmlyshutuntil
you hear it lock into space (especially
if you load the washer with full load or
big items).
• Incasethedoorisnotlocked,
“door” expression will appeare on the
screen. In that case, door should be
opened and closed again firmly.
• Ifthedoorisnotclosedcompletely,
the machine will not start. This is a
safety precaution. The front door
is locked until end of the washing
program and it can not be opened
untill the door icon on LCD is off
following the end of the program.
• Unloadthewasheditemsjustafter
the program cycle has finished. Delay
of unloading may cause wrinkling and
unwanted odor on laundry.
• Checktoseeanysmallmetalitems
such as pins, coins etc left in rubber
seal while unloading the washer.
before or after washing to prevent
dye transfer.
C Wash heavily and lightly soiled items
C Lint producers (towels, linen etc) and
lint collectors (easy care, permanent
press) should be washed separately.
Lint producers should be washed
Preparing the laundry
• Itemsoflaundrywithmetalparts(e.g.
underwire bras, belt buckles, metal
buttons) will damage the washer.
Remove metal parts of place the
items in a cloth bag, pillow case, or
something similar.
• Removeanynon-washableitems
and accessories from laundry before
• Emptypockets,removeallforeign
objects (e.g. coins, pens, paper
clips). If possible: Turn pockets inside
out and brush.
• Placesmallitemsoflaundry(e.g.
tights) in a cloth bag, pillow case or
something similar. This can also help
you to avoid searching for lost socks.
• Handlecurtainsspecialcare.Remove
non-stainless curtain runners and
removed in a cloth bag, pillow case
or something similar.
• Heavystainsshouldbepretreated
with soapy water appropriately before
washing (Do not rub or scratch the
stained area). If in doubt, check with
a chemist or dry-cleaner.
• Useonlydyes/discoloringandanti-
scaling agents suitable for machine
wash. Make sure to follow the
instructions on the package.
A WARNING - Wash jeans, delicates,
pants and sweat-shirts inside-out.
Loading the washer
Maximum load capacity depends on the
fabric type of laundry, soiling amount of
laundry and program cycle you wish to
C Do not exceed the maximum load
capacity of the selected program