
Error Codes summary Status reporting
16 Internal Communications Time Out for Power Module in channel 1.
17 Internal Communications Time Out for Power Module in channel 2.
18 Internal Communications Time Out for Power Module in channel 3.
19 Internal Communications Time Out for Power Module in channel 4.
20 Internal Communications Time Out for Power Module in channel 5.
21 Internal Communications Time Out for Power Module in channel 6.
22 Internal Communications Time Out for Power Module in channel 7.
23 Internal Communications Time Out for Power Module in channel 8.
24 Internal Communications Time Out for Power Module in channel 9.
25 Internal Communications Time Out for Power Module in channel 10.
26 Internal Communications Time Out for Power Module in channel 11.
27 Internal Communications Time Out for Power Module in channel 12.
28 Internal Communications Time Out for Power Module in channel 13.
29 Internal Communications Time Out for Power Module in channel 14.
30 Internal Communications Time Out for Power Module in channel 15.
31 Internal Communications Time Out for Power Module in channel 16.
RS232 Communications errors
32 Data received while DTR was off (receive buffer is full).
33 Transmit buffer is full.
34 Receive Parity Error.
GPIB Communications errors
48 Bus Error (reported by hardware).
49 Input Queue was full so the Bus Trigger command can not be executed.
50 Input Queue was full so the EOI message (set on last character which is not a LF)
can not be processed.
Parser and Execution errors
37 Communications Driver error (false End Of Command).
39 The Parser lost synchronization with the Input Stream (processing a non-existing
64 a miss-placed CR in the Input Stream.
65 Command or Query Mnemonics are too long (more than 6 characters).
66 Illegal Command or Query (first character).
67 Illegal Command or Query.
68 Missing parameter (value).
69 Non-digit character in Numeric Parameter..
70 Parameter value overflow.
71 Parameter value is less than zero (negative).
72 Not a valid Channel Number (should be in the range 1 to 16).
73 Parameter value is out of its allowed range.
74 Can not display the string.
75 The referenced Channel has no operative Power Module installed.
76 The referenced Storage Area is empty - no data to recall.
77 Protection settings can not be programmed (Auto Protection Mode is on).
78 XMP 2600 Programming Manual rev. 1.1