Categories Commands and Queries Reference
GLBL inform the XMP 2600 Main Controller on shut-down behavior of the
installed Power Modules.
GLBL? return the current Global Shut-down set-up of all Power Modules.
GPIB set-up the operating mode of the XMP 2600.
GPIB? return the current operating mode of the XMP 2600.
GRP define the members of the group of Power Modules to be shutdown when
one (or more) is faulty.
GRP? return the current definition of the group of Power Modules.
ID? return an identification string.
LLOCK lock / unlock the XMP 2600 in remote mode.
LLOCK? return the state of the XMP 2600 Local Lock Flag.
MON change the operating mode of the RS232 serial communication interface
into or out of Monitor Mode.
MON? return the current state of the Monitor Mode.
POR program the XMP 2600 behavior at Power On (Power On Retain).
POR? return the value of the Power On Retain Flag.
PRIM? return Power Modules internal to the Main Chassis.
PWR? return the value of the Power Warning Threshold of the XMP 2600
master mainframe.
RCL restores settings of all the Power Modules.
RCL? return an indication whether the Storage Area is free.
RESET reset the entire XMP 2600 system.
ROM? return a string identifying the XMP 2600
SEQ start / stop sequence program execution.
SEQ? return the current state of the Sequence Program.
SEQCLR clear all Sequence Program Steps.
SHUT defines optional events that will cause a shutdown.
SHUT? returns the selection of non-fault events that will cause a shutdown.
STEP program a Sequence Program Step.
STEP? return the programmed STEP delay and operation.
STO stores settings of all the Power Modules.
TOEN enables or disables the remote communication time out feature.
TOEN? queries the current state of the remote communication time out feature.
TOGRP defines the group of channels to be shut-down when a remote
communication time out occurs.
TOGRP? return the current definition of the group of Power Modules that will
shut-down when a remote communication time out occurs.
TORST resets the remote communication time out event.
TOSET set the remote communication time out period.
TOSET? return the programmed time out period of the remote communication
time out feature.
36 XMP 2600 Programming Manual rev. 1.1