Commands and Queries Reference Alphabetical reference
CESE assign new value to the Channels Event Status Enable Register. Re-
calculates <rqs> and <ist>.
Syntax CESE <int>
Parameters the value to be assigned to the Register - a decimal
number in the range 0 to 255 representing bits in the
Category Status Type: Sequential
Recalculation is performed for ALL the Channels including those with no
Power Module installed.
CESE? return the value of the Channels Event Status Enable Register. The
value returned is a decimal number in the range 0 to 255 representing
the bits of the Register.
Syntax CESE?
Parameters none
Category Status Type: Sequential
CHNL? return two decimal numbers, in the range 0 to 255. Each bit of the
reply represents a channel. A bit value of “0” means that no Power
Module is installed in that channel. A bit value of “1” means that a
Power Module is installed in that channel. The reply is a 16-bit value
with its high order byte sent first.
Syntax CHNL?
Parameters none
Category System Type: Sequential
CLR returns the XMP 2600 to its power on state: perform a BUFCLR, send
a Fault Reset Command to all faulty Power Modules, if Primary was
shut down then try to revive it and update Primary status, clear System
Error Code and channels status structures, Initialize or Retain Power
Modules Settings, return the Front Panel Display to Normal Status
Mode. Does not clear the System Status Structure
Syntax CLR
Parameters none
Category System Type: Sequential
XMP 2600 Programming Manual
rev. 1.1 45