DS2100 User's Manual (Preliminary) SECTION 3: WIRING AND INSTALLATION
PAGE 3-42
3.11 Motors - Installation
Motors should be sized by qualified personnel. Improper sizing will directly affect performance and reliability.
Motor performance data for Moog motors is shown in separate data sheets. Contact Moog Applications Engineering for
detailed motor technical information and application sizing, etc.
Standard motors should not be mounted directly onto a gearbox with the shaft inside the lubrication chamber. Motors
may be ordered with an optional shaft seal for these applications. When the motor is mounted, the lubricant level within
the gearbox must be below the shaft seal of the motor in order to avoid long term seepage and motor failure.
3.11.1 Assembling Motor Resolver and Power Cables
Use of the made-up cable sets is recommended for connecting the MOOG brushless servomotors. These cable sets are
available in standardized lengths.
If MOOG cables are not used, the values specified below with regard to the cable make-up must be maintained in all
Contact your local Moog sales office or authorised distributor for selection of pre-made motor cables.
The following are listed for convenience:-
North America
Jamison Road
East Aurora, NY 14052
phone: +001 - 716 - 652 - 2000
fax: +001 - 716 - 687 - 4870
Europe and Asia
Hanns-Klemm-Strasse 28
71034 Boeblingen
phone: +0049 - 7031 - 622 -0
fax: +0049 - 7031 - 622 - 100
MOOG Italiana S.r.l.
Electric Division
Via Avossa 94
16015 Casella (Gevova)
phone: +0039 - 010 - 96711
fax: +0039 - 010 - 9671280