
File control EXEC interface API exits XFCREQ and XFCREQC ......85
File control EXEC interface SPI exits XFCAREQ and XFCAREQC .....98
File control file state program exits XFCSREQ and XFCSREQC .....111
File control open/close program exit XFCNREC ...........121
File control quiesce receive exit, XFCVSDS .............122
File control quiesce send exit XFCQUIS ..............124
File control recovery program exits XFCBFAIL, XFCBOUT, XFCBOVER, and
XFCLDEL ........................126
Front End Programming Interface exits XSZARQ and XSZBRQ .....137
Good morning message program exit XGMTEXT ...........138
HTTP client open and send exits: XWBAUTH, XWBOPEN and XWBSNDO 138
Intersystem communication program exits XISCONA and XISLCLQ ....138
Interval control program exits XICREQ, XICEXP, and XICTENF .....143
Interval control EXEC interface program exits XICEREQ, XICERES, and
XICEREQC ........................145
Loader domain exits XLDLOAD and XLDELETE ...........162
Log manager domain exit XLGSTRM ...............164
Message domain exit XMEOUT .................168
Monitoring domain exit XMNOUT.................172
Pipeline domain exits .....................174
Program control program exits XPCREQ, XPCERES, XPCREQC,
Resource manager interface program exits XRMIIN and XRMIOUT ....193
Resource management install and discard exit XRSINDI ........195
Signon and signoff exits XSNON, XSNOFF, and XSNEX ........199
Statistics domain exit XSTOUT .................202
System recovery program exit XSRAB...............203
System termination program exit XSTERM .............206
Temporary storage domain exits XTSQRIN, XTSQROUT, XTSPTIN, and
XTSPTOUT ........................207
Temporary storage EXEC interface program exits XTSEREQ and
XTSEREQC .......................212
Terminal allocation program exit XALCAID .............221
Terminal control program exits XTCIN, XTCOUT, and XTCATT ......223
‘Terminal not known’ condition exits XALTENF and XICTENF ......224
Transaction manager domain exit XXMATT .............232
Transient data program exits XTDREQ, XTDIN, and XTDOUT ......234
Transient data EXEC interface program exits XTDEREQ and XTDEREQC 236
User log record recovery program exits XRCINIT and XRCINPT .....244
VTAM terminal management program exit XZCATT ..........247
VTAM working-set module exits XZCIN, XZCOUT, XZCOUT1, and XZIQUE 248
XISQUE exit for managing IPIC intersystem queues..........258
XRF request-processing program exit XXRSTAT ...........263
Chapter 2. Task-related user exit programs .............267
Introduction to the task-related user exit mechanism (the adapter) .....267
The stub program .......................269
Returning control to the application program ............270
Task-related user exits and EDF .................270
Writing a task-related user exit program ...............271
Obligations of OPENAPI task-related user exits ...........271
User exit parameter lists ....................273
The schedule flag word ....................287
Register handling in the task-related user exit program.........288
Addressing-mode implications ..................289
Exit programs and the CICS storage protection facility .........290
iv Customization Guide