
Synclevel 1 connections installed via a BIND
Synclevel 1-only APPC connections autoinstalled via a BIND request (except for
limited resource connections installed on a CICS generic resource member—see
next section) are implicitly deleted at the following times:
v When the connection is released
v If VTAM abends
v When the VTAM ACB is closed by CICS
v After the expiry of the AIRDELAY interval following a warm or emergency start (if
the value of the AIRDELAY system initialization parameter is greater than zero).
Synclevel 2 connections installed via a BIND
Synclevel 2-capable APPC connections installed by a BIND request are implicitly
deleted only if they are installed on a CICS generic resource member, and an
affinity is ended. Otherwise, they are never implicitly deleted.
The same applies to synclevel 1-only, limited resource connections that are installed
on a CICS generic resource member.
The sample autoinstall control program for APPC connections
The sample control program for autoinstall of APPC connections is DFHZATDY. The
source code, in assembler-language only, is in library CICSTS32.CICS.SDFHSAMP.
As well as providing function to autoinstall APPC connections initiated by BIND
requests, DFHZATDY provides the same function for terminal autoinstall as the
DFHZATDX program described in Chapter 10, “Writing a program to control
autoinstall of terminals,” on page 515. Thus, you can use a customized version of
DFHZATDY to autoinstall both terminals and APPC connections.
Default actions of the sample program
The role of DFHZATDY in installing APPC connections is to choose the template to
be used (by supplying its NETNAME or SYSID), and to supply the name (SYSID) of
the new connection.
The actions taken by the supplied version of the program are to:
1. Examine the request type passed in the INSTALL_APPC_EXIT_FUNCTION
X'F0' An incoming CINIT for a terminal or APPC single-session device.
Proceed as for DFHZATDX. See Chapter 10, “Writing a program to
control autoinstall of terminals,” on page 515.
X'F1' A delete request for a terminal or APPC single-session device. Proceed
as for DFHZATDX. See Chapter 10, “Writing a program to control
autoinstall of terminals,” on page 515.
An incoming CINIT for an APPC parallel-session connection. Specify a
template by setting the field pointed to by
550 Customization Guide