
The name of a 2-byte area that is to receive, as a half-word binary
value, the level number of the MVS element of OS/390. For example,
OS/390 Release 3 MVS is represented by 03.
Note: This field is supported for compatibility purposes only. The information is
derived from the last two numbers held in the MVS CVTPRODN field.
For example, CVTPRODN holds SP5.2.2 for MVS/ESA SP Version 5
Release 2.2 (in which case OPREL returns 22), and SP6.0.3 for OS/390
Release 3. You are recommended to use the OSLEVEL field for the full
version and release number of the OS/390 product.
OPSYS(name1 | *)
returns the type of operating system on which the CICS regions is running.
The name of a 1-byte area that is to receive the hexadecimal character
of the operating system on which CICS is running. A value of “X”
represents MVS/ESA.
OSLEVEL(name4 | *)
is the version, release, and modification level of the OS/390 product on which
CICS is running.
The name of a 4-byte area that is to receive the version and release
number of OS/390 on which CICS is running. A value of “0240”
represents OS/390 Release 4.
PLTPI(name2 | *)
returns the suffix that identifies the program list table (PLT) containing the list of
programs to be run during CICS initialization—the program list table post
initialization (PLTPI) list.
The name of a 2-byte area that is to receive the suffix.
SDTRAN(name4 | *)
returns the name of the “shutdown assist” transaction to be run at the beginning
of normal or immediate shutdown. The shutdown assist transaction is described
on page “The shutdown assist utility program, DFHCESD” on page 429.
The name of a 4-byte area to receive the name.
returns a value indicating whether security is active.
CICS is using an external security manager (for example, RACF).
Security is not in use in the CICS region—SEC=NO is specified as a
system initialization parameter.
returns the shutdown status of the CICS region.
CICS is performing a controlled shutdown; that is, a normal shutdown
with a warm keypoint.
Chapter 3. The user exit programming interface (XPI) 389