
a batch update run that has overridden retained locks. See “DFH$FCBV
sample global user exit program” on page 134.
A sample exit program designed to be invoked at the XFCLDEL exit, which
allows you to perform logical deletion of records from a VSAM ESDS data
set or a BDAM data set, during backout. See “DFH$FCLD sample global
user exit program” on page 136.
You can define these programs by including the supplied resource group,
DFH$FCB, in your startup grouplist, or by using CEDA to install DFH$FCB.
Related concepts
“DFH$FCBF sample global user exit program” on page 130
“DFH$FCBV sample global user exit program” on page 134
“DFH$FCLD sample global user exit program” on page 136
The function-shipping and DPL queue control sample exit
You can use the XISCONA sample global user exit program to control the queueing
of function-shipping and DPL requests:
A sample global user exit program, designed to be invoked at the XISCONA
Related concepts
“The sample XISCONA global user exit program, DFHXIS” on page 140
The HTTP client sample exit programs
These sample programs are for use with the Web domain exits, XWBOPEN and
The XWBOPEN exit is invoked during processing of EXEC CICS WEB OPEN and EXEC
CICS INVOKE WEBSERVICE commands. XWBAUTH is called during processing of an
EXEC CICS WEB SEND and EXEC CICS WEB CONVERSE commands. Both exits are used
in making HTTP client requests from CICS as an HTTP client, which is a facility
provided by CICS Web support.
The following sample exit programs are shipped in the CICS sample library,
v DFH$WBPI, described in “DFH$WBPI”
v DFH$WBEX, described in “DFH$WBEX” on page 21
v DFH$WBX1, described in “DFH$WBX1” on page 21
v DFH$WBX2, described in “DFH$WBX2” on page 22
v DFH$WBGA, a copybook to map the global work area used by the DFH$WBPI,
DFH$WBX1, DFH$WBX2, and DFH$WBEX samples.
This program, whose purpose is to initialize the supplied Web-related global user
exits, is specified in the PLTPI and is invoked during the CICS post-initialization
phase. It is specified with the INITPARM system initialization parameter as follows:
20 Customization Guide