
Changes for CICS Transaction Server for z/OS, Version 2 Release 3
The more significant changes for this edition were:
v A new global user exit, XICERES, in the interval EXEC interface control program,
was described in The XICERES global user exit and “Using the XICERES exit to
check the availability of resources on the target region” on page 640.
v A new global user exit, XPCERES, in the program control program, was
described in The XPCERES global user exit, “Using the XPCERES exit to check
the availability of resources on the target region” on page 601, and “Using the
XPCERES exit to check the availability of resources on the target region” on
page 605.
v The XSNEX signon and signoff global user exit, introduced as a temporary
migration aid in CICS TS 2.2, is to be retained in CICS TS 2.3. You can use
XSNEX to make CICS handle EXEC CICS SIGNON and SIGNOFF commands in
the same way as in CICS TS 1.3 and earlier—see “Exit XSNEX” on page 201.
v “Writing Java classes to redirect JVM stdout and stderr output” on page 667 is a
new section.
v The following new sections were added to Chapter 18, “Writing a distributed
routing program,” on page 623:
“Dealing with a disabled CorbaServer” on page 635
“Dealing with an abend on the target region” on page 644
xx Customization Guide