
The control program selects one model from this list, and CICS uses this model to
build the TCTTE for the device. The default autoinstall control program,
DFHZATDX, always selects the first model name in the list.
If you are not using MTS but need a printer ID or NETNAME (or an alternative
printer ID or NETNAME) associated with this terminal, then your control program
can supply this in the area addressed by fullword 4.
If you are using MTS, CICS passes the control program the printer and alternative
printer NETNAMEs specified on the VTAM ASLTAB macro.
Before returning to CICS, the control program must supply a CICS terminal name
for the device logging on, and must set the return code field to X'00' if the
autoinstall request is to be allowed.
Figure 37 shows all of these fields in their required order.
How CICS builds the list of autoinstall models
If CICS finds an MTS model name (and the model is defined to CICS and is
compatible with the VTAM information describing the resource), CICS puts the
'FO' Z C
Fullword 2 LL LL Netname
Fullword 3
nn nn
Fullword 4
Fullword 5
LL LL Cinit_RU
Modelname i/o i/o i/o i/o i/o i/o i/o i/o
Terminal ID
Printer ID
Altprinter ID
Return code
Printer NETNAME i/o i/o i/o i/o i/o i/o i/o i/o
Altprinter NETNAME i/o i/o i/o i/o i/o i/o i/o i/o
Note: i/o designates an input/output field.
The other fields in SELECTED_PARMS are output only.
Input may be supplied by MTS from the MTS CINIT.
Figure 37. Autoinstall control program’s parameter list at INSTALL
Chapter 10. Writing a program to control autoinstall of terminals 519