
DEFINE_PROGRAM allows you to define new programs to the loader domain, or to
change the details of programs that have already been defined. The details that you
provide are recorded on the local catalog, and become immediately available. They
are used on all subsequent ACQUIRE requests for the named program. However,
note that program definitions made in this way are not retained over an XRF
takeover. Also, the CSD is not updated, only the loader domain definitions.
PROGRAM_NAME(name8 | string | ’string’ ),
RESPONSE(name1 | *),
REASON(name1 | *)]
This command is threadsafe.
specifies, in conjunction with other program attributes, the type of dynamic
storage area (DSA) into which the loader is to load the program.
CICS For non-reentrant programs, means that the program is to be loaded
into a CICS DSA, above or below the 16MB line; that is, the CDSA or
ECDSA. The choice of CICS DSA is dependent on the residence mode
(RMODE) attribute of the program as defined to the linkage-editor.
For reentrant RMODE(24) programs, means that the program is to be
loaded into the CDSA.
USER For non-reentrant programs, means that the program is to be loaded
into a user DSA, above or below the 16MB line; that is, the UDSA or
EUDSA. The choice of user DSA is dependent on the residence mode
(RMODE) attribute of the program as defined to the linkage-editor.
For reentrant RMODE(24) programs, means that the program is to be
loaded into the UDSA.
Reentrant programs eligible to reside above the 16MB line: If a program is
link-edited as reentrant with AMODE(31),RMODE(ANY), the EXECUTION_KEY
option is ignored, and it is loaded into a read-only DSA (the RDSA or ERDSA).
For details of the type of storage allocated for the ERDSA, see the RENTPGM
system initialization parameter.
See Table 19 for a summary of the effect of the EXECUTION_KEY option in
conjunction with other factors.
Table 19. Summary of attributes defining DSA eligibility
Reentrant Above or below
16MB line
Dynamic storage
area (DSA)
Chapter 3. The user exit programming interface (XPI) 353