
v The address of the kernel stack entry
v The address of the APPC unit of work (UOW) identifier
v The address of the user security block flag
v The address of the user security block
v The address of the resource manager qualifier name
v The address of the resource manager’s “single-update” and “read-only” indicator
v The address of the caller’s AMODE indicator byte
v The address of the application’s DATALOC and TASKDATAKEY indicator byte
v The address of the performance block token
v The address of a trace flag.
To enable your exit program to access this parameter list, you must include in it the
The DFHUEXIT TYPE=RM macro causes the assembler to create the storage
definitions (DSECTs) DFHUEPAR, DFHUERTR, and DFHUECON. If you want your
task-related user exit to be able to format screens for EDF, you must include in it
the macro:
This causes the assembler to create the UEPEDFRM DSECT, which is described in
“CICS EDF build parameters” on page 283. All of the user exit parameter lists are
summarized in Figure 7 on page 286.
The format and the purpose of these definitions are described below.
DFHUEPAR gives you the following symbolic names for address parameters:
Address of the function definition, which tells the task-related user exit
program why it is being called. See “DFHUERTR (the function definition)”
on page 278 for more details.
Address of the global work area requested in the EXEC CICS ENABLE
command. The global work area is described on page “The global work
area” on page 292. CICS initializes this work area to X'00' when the
task-related user exit program is enabled.
Address of a halfword containing the length (binary value) of the global
work area.
This field is retained for historical reasons. It should not be referenced by
your exit program.
This field is retained for historical reasons. It should not be referenced by
your exit program.
Address of the register save area (RSA) of the caller. It is an 18-word save
274 Customization Guide