
XPI calls
All can be used. However, note that you cannot use a GETMAIN call to
obtain terminal-class storage for use as a replacement TIOA.
When invoked
Before task attach.
Exit-specific parameters
Address of the terminal control table terminal entry (TCTTE). The
TCTTE can be mapped using the DSECT DFHTCTTE.
Address of the terminal input/output area (TIOA). The TIOA can be
mapped using the DSECT DFHTIOA. However, fields TIOASAL and
TIOASCA are not programming interfaces.
Address of the terminal control table line entry (TCTLE). The
TCTLE can be mapped using the DSECT DFHTCTLE.
Address of the 4-byte transaction id.
Return codes
Continue processing.
XPI calls
All can be used.
‘Terminal not known’ condition exits XALTENF and XICTENF
The ‘terminal not known’ condition can occur when intercommunicating CICS
regions use both SHIPPABLE terminal definitions and automatic transaction
initiation (ATI). The condition is especially likely to arise if autoinstall is used.
SHIPPABLE attribute
Terminals defined with the SHIPPABLE attribute in a terminal-owning region
(TOR) do not need a definition in a connected application-owning region (AOR).
If necessary to support transaction routing, CICS ships a copy of the definition
from the TOR to the AOR. For further information, refer to the CICS
Intercommunication Guide.
Automatic transaction initiation (ATI)
ATI occurs when an internally generated request leads to the initiation of a
transaction. For example, when:
v An application issues an EXEC CICS START command, or
v The transient data trigger level is reached.
Two CICS modules handle ATI requests:
The interval control program processes a START command, checks that the
terminal is known in the local system, and (when any START time interval
elapses) calls the terminal allocation program.
The terminal allocation program is called by the interval control program or by
the transient data triggering mechanism, and checks that the terminal is known
224 Customization Guide