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v
Mapping
of
the
key
attribute
when
it
is
a
business
object
request
from
the
collaboration
to
the
connector
should
follow
the
same
guidelines
for
simple
attributes
as
described
above.
v
Mapping
of
the
container
attribute
should
be
keys
only
if
keys
are
known.
v
If
the
PickList
object
will
be
created,
map
all
the
required
attributes
as
specified
for
the
PickList
object.
v
On
a
Delete
operation,
set
the
key
attribute
to
a
space
and
the
PickList
container
attribute
to
null.
Verb
application
specific
information
format
Application-specific
information
for
a
business
object
Retrieve
verb
can
specify
that
the
connector
retrieve
a
limited
number
of
objects
on
each
retrieve.
The
application-specific
information
to
retrieve
a
subset
of
objects
is
max=n.
An
example
of
a
Retrieve
verb
that
specifies
that
only
five
objects
are
retrieved
is:
[Verb]
Name
=
Retrieve
AppSpecificInfo
=
max=5
For
other
verbs,
the
application-specific
property
is
not
used
and
should
be
left
blank
or
omitted
when
creating
business
object
definitions.
Multiple
record
retrieval
The
adapter
processes
the
RetrievebyContent
verb
similarly
to
the
way
it
processes
the
Retrieve
verb,
except
that
it
does
not
check
to
see
that
all
keys
are
set
on
the
inbound
business
object.
The
adapter
for
Siebel
supports
wrapper
business
objects.
See“Business
object
structure
and
relationships”
on
page
37.
The
adapter
can
retirieve
multiple
records
during
request
processing
using
the
RetrievebyContent
verb
and
a
wrapper
business
object.
For
a
wrapper
business
object
with
a
multiple
cardinality
container,
all
matching
records
are
returned.
For
a
single
cradinality
child,
only
one
record
is
processed
and
is
returned.
Key
attribute
for
create
and
update
verbs
On
a
Create
or
Update
request,
if
the
Object
Key
value
is
different
from
RowId,
the
Siebel
application
blanks
out
the
Object
Key
attribute
and
creates
its
own
RowId
for
that
record.
Important:
You
must
use
RowId
as
the
key
attribute
in
Create
and
Update
requests.
Adapter
for
Siebel
eBusiness
Applications
User
Guide