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Table
1.
Events
business
component
structure
(continued)
Fields
Description
Event
Ts
Event
creation
timestamp
Create
notification:
When
the
connector
encounters
a
Create
event,
it
creates
a
business
object
of
the
type
specified
by
the
event,
sets
the
key
values
for
the
business
object
(using
the
object
key
specified
in
the
Event
business
component),
and
retrieves
the
business
object
from
the
Siebel
application.
After
it
retrieves
the
business
object,
the
connector
sends
it
with
the
Create
verb
to
the
integration
broker.
Update
notification:
When
the
connector
encounters
an
Update
event,
it
creates
a
business
object
of
the
type
specified
by
the
event,
sets
the
key
values
for
the
business
object
(using
the
object
key
specified
in
the
Event
business
component),
and
retrieves
the
business
object
from
the
database.
After
it
retrieves
the
business
object,
the
connector
sends
it
with
the
Update
verb
to
the
integration
broker.
Delete
notification:
When
the
connector
encounters
a
Delete
event,
it
creates
a
business
object
of
the
type
specified
by
the
event,
sets
the
key
values
for
the
business
object
(using
the
object
key
specified
in
the
Event
business
component),
and
sends
it
with
the
Delete
verb
to
the
integration
broker.
All
values
other
than
the
key
values
are
set
to
CxIgnore.
Retrieving
business
objects
for
event
processing:
Retrieval
of
objects
for
event
processing
is
based
on
both
key
and
non-key
attributes.
It
is
mandatory
that
the
business
object
support
the
RetrieveByContent
verb.
Event
management
The
connector’s
event
detection
mechanism
uses
a
Event
business
component
and
a
Archive
business
component.
Because
there
are
potential
failure
points
associated
with
the
processing
of
events,
the
event
management
process
does
not
delete
an
event
from
the
Event
business
component
until
it
has
been
inserted
it
into
the
Archive
business
component.
The
connector
polls
the
Event
business
component
at
a
regular,
configurable
interval,
retrieves
the
events,
and
processes
the
events
first
by
priority
and
then
sequentially.
When
the
connector
has
processed
an
event,
the
event’s
status
is
updated
appropriately.
The
setting
of
its
ArchiveProcessed
property
determines
whether
the
connector
archives
an
event
into
the
Archive
business
component
after
updating
its
status.
For
more
information
on
the
ArchiveProcessed
property,
see
“ArchiveProcessed”
on
page
109.
Table
illustrates
the
archiving
behavior
depending
on
the
setting
of
the
ArchiveProcessed
property.
Table
2.
Archiving
behavior
Archive
processed
setting
Event
processing
status
Connector
behavior
true
or
no
value
Successful
Event
is
deleted
from
the
Events
business
component
and
archived
with
status
of
Success
Unsuccessful
Archived
with
status
of
Error
Adapter
for
Siebel
eBusiness
Applications
User
Guide