logo

Parameter
Description
From
=
...;
To
=
...
These
are
preprocessing
instructions
to
the
connector
to
set
the
To
attribute
to
the
value
of
the
From
attribute.
The
From
attribute
must
be
populated,
while
the
True
attribute
is
set
only
if
it
is
null.
The
objects
containing
the
attributes
must
have
a
one-to-one
relationship.
This
is
used
in
a
Retrieve
operation
and
to
specify
which
child
record
needs
to
be
fetched.
Simple
link
which
provides
the
master
detail
view
of
the
business
component
structure
under
a
business
object.
represents
the
source
field.
Simple
link
which
provides
the
master
detail
view
of
the
business
component
structure
under
a
business
object.
represents
the
destination
field
(foreign
key).
Field
names
for
container
attributes
If
the
relationship
between
the
parent
and
child
objects
is
one-to-many,
application-specific
information
for
a
container
attribute
referencing
a
child
business
object
must
specify
the
name
of
the
Multi-Value
Field
related
to
the
parent
business
component.
Multi-Value
Field
represents
the
Multi-Value
Link
that
defines
the
relationship
between
the
parent
and
child
business
components
in
Siebel.
The
application-specific
information
for
this
is:
LFN=multiValueFieldName
For
example,
if
the
Siebel
business
component
Account
has
a
mulit-value
field
Street
Address
in
the
Siebel
application,
the
corresponding
WebSphere
business
integration
system
business
object
Siebel_BCAccount
has
a
container
attribute
for
the
child
business
object
Siebel_BCBusinessAddress.
The
application-specific
information
for
this
container
attribute
specifies
Street
Address
as
the
Multi-Value
Field
that
contains
the
link
to
the
Siebel
Business
Address
business
component.
[Example
of
Container
Attribute]
Name
=
PrimaryAddress
Type
=
Siebel_BCBusinessAddress
ContainedObjectVersion
=
1.0.0
Relationship
=
Containment
Cardinality
=
n
IsKey
=
false
IsForeignKey
=
false
AppSpecificInfo
=
MVL=Active;LFN=Street
Address
Relationships
between
parent
and
child
business
objects
In
addition
to
the
field
name,
the
application-specific
information
for
a
container
attribute
can
include
a
parameter
that
defines
the
type
of
relationship
between
the
parent
and
child
business
components
in
Siebel.
Setting
a
relationship
type
parameter
to
is
not
valid.
To
set
a
relationship
type
to
false,
do
not
include
the
parameter.
As
an
example,
the
container
attribute
for
the
child
business
object
Siebel_BCBusinessAddress,
shown
in
the
previous
section,
might
include
the
parameter
to
indicate
that
Street
Address
is
a
Multi
Value
Field
that
links
the
Siebel
Account
business
component
to
the
Siebel
Business
Address
business
component.
[Example
of
Container
Attribute]
Name
=
PrimaryAddress
Type
=
Siebel_BCBusinessAddress
ContainedObjectVersion
=
1.0.0
Relationship
=
Containment
Adapter
for
Siebel
eBusiness
Applications
User
Guide