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Name
=
Siebel_BOInternalProduct
Version
=
1.0.0
AppSpecificInfo
=
ON=InternalProduct
[Attribute]
Name
=
Siebel_BCInternalProduct
Type
=
Siebel_BCInternalProduct
ContainedObjectVersion
=
1.0.0
Relationship
=
Containment
Cardinality
=
MaxLength
=
IsKey
=
false
IsForeignKey
=
false
IsRequired
=
false
AppSpecificInfo
=
[Attribute]
Name
=
Siebel_BCProductDefect
Type
=
Siebel_BCProductDefect
ContainedObjectVersion
=
1.0.0
Relationship
=
Containment
Cardinality
=
MaxLength
=
IsKey
=
false
IsForeignKey
=
false
IsRequired
=
false
AppSpecificInfo
=
Attribute
application-specific
information
format
The
connector
uses
application-specific
information
for
simple
attributes
and
container
attributes.
The
application-specific
property
field
must
be
empty
for
the
ObjectEventId
attribute.
Application-specific
information
for
simple
attributes
For
simple
attributes,
the
application-specific
information
consists
of
the
name-value
pairs
listed
in
the
following
table.
The
name-value
pairs
are
order-independent
and
are
delimited
by
semicolons.
Parameter
Description
=
The
name
of
the
corresponding
field
in
the
Siebel
business
component.
=
...;Restrict=<field
name>:Siebel
Name>,<field
name>:Siebel
Name
Business
components
in
Siebel
can
be
associated
with
a
many-to-one
relationship
using
PickLists.
The
PickList
can
be
searched,
and
a
specific
value
can
be
chosen
to
be
placed
in
a
field.
The
PickListKey
is
set
in
case
there
is
a
PickList
associated
with
the
field
in
Siebel.
The
PickListKey
identifies
the
field
in
the
PickList
that
is
used
in
the
search
specification
to
obtain
the
PickList
record.
In
some
cases,
PickList
values
are
chosen
based
on
more
than
one
attribute.
In
such
cases,
the
PickList
can
be
restricted
by
more
than
one
field.
Example
of
the
use
of
these
parameters
are
provided
in
the
sections
that
follow.
Adapter
for
Siebel
eBusiness
Applications
User
Guide