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Setting
the
configuration
file
properties
When
you
create
and
name
a
new
connector
configuration
file,
or
when
you
open
an
existing
connector
configuration
file,
Connector
Configurator
displays
a
configuration
screen
with
tabs
for
the
categories
of
required
configuration
values.
Connector
Configurator
requires
values
for
properties
in
these
categories
for
connectors
running
on
all
brokers:
v
Standard
Properties
v
Connector-specific
Properties
v
Supported
Business
Objects
v
Trace/Log
File
values
v
Data
Handler
(applicable
for
connectors
that
use
messaging
with
guaranteed
event
delivery)
Note:
For
connectors
that
use
messaging,
an
additional
category
may
display,
for
configuration
of
data
handlers
that
convert
the
data
to
business
objects.
For
connectors
running
on
values
for
these
properties
are
also
required:
v
Associated
Maps
v
Resources
v
Messaging
(where
applicable)
v
Security
Important:
Connector
Configurator
accepts
property
values
in
either
English
or
non-English
character
sets.
However,
the
names
of
both
standard
and
connector-specific
properties,
and
the
names
of
supported
business
objects,
must
use
the
English
character
set
only.
Standard
properties
differ
from
connector-specific
properties
as
follows:
v
Standard
properties
of
a
connector
are
shared
by
both
the
application-specific
component
of
a
connector
and
its
broker
component.
All
connectors
have
the
same
set
of
standard
properties.
These
properties
are
described
in
the
Standard
Properties
appendix.
You
can
change
some
but
not
all
of
these
values.
v
Application-specific
properties
apply
only
to
the
application-specific
component
of
a
connector,
that
is,
the
component
that
interacts
directly
with
the
application.
Each
connector
has
application-specific
properties
that
are
unique
to
its
application.
Some
of
these
properties
provide
default
values
and
some
do
not;
you
can
modify
some
of
the
default
values.
The
installation
and
configuration
chapters
of
each
adapter
guide
describe
the
application-specific
properties
and
the
recommended
values.
The
fields
for
Standard
Properties
and
Connector-Specific
Properties
are
color-coded
to
show
which
are
configurable:
v
field
with
a
grey
background
indicates
a
standard
property.
You
can
change
the
value
but
cannot
change
the
name
or
remove
the
property.
v
field
with
a
white
background
indicates
an
application-specific
property.
These
properties
vary
according
to
the
specific
needs
of
the
application
or
connector.
You
can
change
the
value
and
delete
these
properties.
v
Value
fields
are
configurable.
Chapter
3.
Configuring
the
connector