logo

Type
=
String
AppSpecificInfo
=
FN=AccountId
Name
=
Account
Type
=
Siebel_BCAccount
Relationship
=
Containment
Cardinality
=
IsForeignKey
=
false
AppSpecificInfo
=
LFN=Account;PL=true;From=AccountId;To=AccountId
[Siebel_BCAccount]
Name
=
AccountId
IsKey
=
true
AppSpecificInfo
=
...
Note
the
following
business
processing
tips
for
PickList
attributes:
v
On
a
Retrieve
operation,
correspond
the
value
of
the
PickList
attribute
to
the
name
of
the
PickList
business
component,
and
correspond
the
value
of
the
key
attribute
to
the
key.
v
On
a
Create
or
Update
operation,
correspond
the
PickList
attribute
to
the
key,
and
correspond
the
key
attribute
to
a
null
value.
Because
the
PickList
link
is
defined
on
the
name
of
a
field,
the
connector
could
set
the
key
attribute
value
to
any
value,
and
Siebel
does
not
validate
the
value.
If
the
PickList
attribute
contains
the
key
value,
and
a
pick
operation
is
performed
using
the
PickList
component,
validation
of
the
key
is
performed.
If
the
Pick
operation
finds
the
field,
it
adds
all
the
attributes
in
the
pick
correspondence
to
the
new
object,
and
the
new
object
is
created.
v
To
remove
the
link
from
the
PickList,
correspond
the
value
for
the
PickList
attribute
to
null
and
correspond
the
value
for
the
key
attribute
to
blank.
Application-specific
information
for
container
attributes
For
container
attributes,
the
application-specific
information
contains
the
name-value
pairs
listed
in
the
following
table.
The
name-value
pairs
are
order
independent
and
are
separated
by
semicolons.
Parameter
Description
=
...;
Multi
Value
Field
Name
related
to
the
Siebel
business
component.
=
...;
When
is
set
to
Active,
it
specifies
a
one-to-many
relationship.
Setting
to
Inactive
indicates
that
there
is
an
inactive
multi-value
link
relationship
between
the
parent
and
child
objects,
which
means
that
the
parent
object
does
not
have
a
multi-value
field.
=
...
When
is
set
to
True,
it
indicates
that
there
is
a
many-to-one
relationship.
Assoc
=
...
When
Assoc
is
set
to
True,
it
indicates
that
a
relationship
is
many-to-many
through
an
intersection
table.
When
the
relationship
is
an
association
between
the
two
business
components,
an
active
multi-value
link
may
or
may
not
exist.
Based
on
whether
or
not
the
multi-value
link
exists,
the
application
specific
information
can
contain:
MVL=Active;Assoc=true;
If
the
application
specific
information
contains
only
Assoc=true,
the
default
is
that
there
is
an
active
multi-value
link.
If
you
explicitly
specify,
the
application-specific
information
will
contain:
MVL=Active;Assoc=true.
If
a
multi
value
link
does
not
exist,
the
application
specific
information
will
contain:
MVL=Inactive;Assoc=true.
Chapter
4.
Understanding
business
objects