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two
attributes:
a
key
attribute
and
a
single
cardinality
container
attribute
for
the
picked
object.
This
set
of
attributes
can
be
used
to
retrieve
some
or
all
of
the
attributes
of
the
PickList
business
component
that
are
not
included
in
the
PickList
map.
For
example,
the
Siebel_BCQuote
business
object
might
be
designed
to
include
two
attributes
to
specify
a
PickList
relationship
between
Quote
and
Opportunity.
As
shown
below,
OpportunityId
is
the
key
attribute,
and
Opportunity
is
the
PickList
object.
Name
=
Siebel_BCQuote
Version
=
1.0.0
AppSpecificInfo
=
ON=Quote;CN=Quote
Name
=
...
Name
=
...
Name
=
OpportunityId
Type
=
String
Cardinality
=
MaxLength
=
IsKey
=
false
IsForeignKEy
=
true
IsRequired
=
false
AppSpecificInfo
=
OpportunityId
Name
=
Siebel_BCOpportunity
Type
=
Siebel_BCOpportunity
ContainedObjectVersion
=
1.0.0
Relationship
=
Containment
Cardinality
=
MaxLength
=
IsKey
=
false
IsForeignKey
=
false
IsRequired
=
false
AppSpecificInfo
=
LFN=Opportunity;PL=true;From=OpportunityId;To=OpportunityId
In
the
application-specific
information,
PL=true
indicates
that
the
container
attribute
represents
a
PickList,
the
From=
parameter
is
the
pointer
to
the
key
attribute,
and
the
To=
parameter
points
to
the
key
attribute
of
the
Siebel_BCOpprotunity
business
object.
The
order
of
the
attributes
is
significant
in
a
Retrieve
operation,
because
the
value
of
OpportunityId
must
be
retrieved
before
it
can
be
defined
as
the
foreign
key
in
the
child
object.
On
a
Create
or
Update
operation,
the
value
of
OpprotunityId
is
a
foreign
key
and
is
retrieved
after
the
object
is
created.
It
is
not
necessary
to
use
a
complete
business
object
as
a
PickList
container.
An
object
with
only
the
required
keys
set
is
sufficient.
The
connector
uses
the
following
rules
for
processing
a
PickList
container:
v
If
none
of
the
key
attributes
of
the
PickList
business
object
are
set,
a
new
object
is
created
in
Siebel
and
picked.
v
If
any
of
the
key
attributes
of
the
PickList
business
object
are
set,
the
connector
searches
for
the
object
and
picks
it.
If
a
PickList
object
for
that
business
object
is
not
found,
the
connector
logs
an
error.
An
error
might
occur
when
the
object
keys
are
not
valid.
The
following
are
guidelines
for
maps
for
PickList
attributes
on
container
business
objects:
Chapter
4.
Understanding
business
objects