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child
container
objects.
In
this
case,
only
these
objects
in
the
Siebel
application
are
processed
while
the
others
are
left
untouched.
Business
object
deletion:
When
an
integration
broker
asks
the
connector
to
delete
a
record,
the
record
is
removed
from
the
underlying
database.
Only
the
parent
needs
to
be
deleted
because
the
Siebel
DeleteCascade
feature
deletes
all
of
the
children.
If
any
of
the
required
attributes
are
missing
from
the
inbound
business
object,
the
delete
fails.
Exists
verb:
The
primary
business
component
name
is
typically
the
same
business
object
name
in
Siebel.
If
the
ObjectName
and
ComponentName
application
specific
information
match,
the
keys
are
set
on
this
business
component
and
the
query
is
executed.
If
the
record
exists,
it
returns
True;
if
the
record
does
not
exist,
it
returns
False.
Processing
application
events
Components:
The
event
notification
requires
the
creation
of
event
and
archive
tables
in
the
Siebel
database.
You
must
create
Event
and
Archive,
two
new
Siebel
business
components
corresponding
to
these
tables.
Triggering:
The
creation,
update,
or
delete
of
any
record
in
the
Siebel
eBusiness
application
can
be
treated
as
an
event.
Siebel
supports
Visual
Basic
scripts
and
Siebel
eScripts
embedded
in
the
Siebel
business
component
event
handlers
to
populate
the
event
table.
On
a
call
to
pollForEvents,
these
event
records
are
obtained
and
processed.
The
Event
business
component
stores
information
about
the
event,
as
listed
in
Table
Note:
The
information
in
Table
is
used
by
the
connector
during
event
subscription
to
build
corresponding
business
objects
and
to
send
those
objects
to
the
connector
framework
for
further
processing.
Table
1.
Events
business
component
structure
Fields
Description
Object
Key
The
unique
identifier
that
identifies
the
business
object
row
for
which
the
event
was
created
Object
Name
Siebel
business
object
for
which
the
event
was
deleted
Object
Verb
Verb
for
the
event
Priority
Event
priority
Status
Event
Status
Initially,
this
is
set
to
status
values
include:IN_PROGRESS=1
--
The
event
has
been
picked
up
and
is
sent
to
the
connector
framework.
The
connector
changes
the
status
of
the
event
to
after
it
picks
the
event
for
processing.
--
The
event
has
not
been
subscribed
for.
The
connector
sets
the
status
to
if
the
isSubscribed
call
returns
a
False.
--
The
event
was
successfully
processed
by
the
connector
framework.
The
connector
sets
the
status
to
if
the
event
is
processed
successfully
by
the
connector
--
There
was
an
error
processing
the
event.
This
status
is
set
if
there
was
an
error
while
processing
the
event.
--
There
was
an
error
posting
the
event
to
the
connector
framework.
This
status
is
set
if
the
call
to
gotApplEvent
fails
in
pollForEvents.
--
The
object
for
which
the
event
was
created
could
not
be
found.
This
status
is
set
if
the
doVerbFor
call
could
not
find
the
object
in
pollForEvents.
Description
Any
comment
associated
with
the
event
Event
Id
Id
of
the
event
row
ConnectorId
Identifies
the
connector
in
a
multiple
connector
configuration
Chapter
1.
Overview