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Business
object
processing
This
section
provides
an
overview
of
how
the
connector
processes
integration
broker
requests
and
application
events.
Processing
integration
broker
requests
When
the
connector
receives
a
request
from
a
business
object
to
perform
an
application
operation,
the
connector
processes
hierarchical
business
objects
recursively;
that
is,
it
performs
the
same
steps
for
each
child
business
object
until
it
has
processed
all
individual
business
objects.
Note:
The
term
hierarchical
business
object
refers
to
a
complete
business
object,
including
all
the
child
business
objects
that
it
contains
at
any
level.
The
term
individual
business
object
refers
to
a
single
business
object,
independent
of
any
child
business
objects
it
might
contain
or
that
contain
it.
The
term
top-level
business
object
refers
to
the
individual
business
object
at
the
top
of
the
hierarchy
that
does
not
itself
have
a
parent
business
object.
Business
object
retrieval:
When
an
integration
broker
asks
the
connector
to
retrieve
a
hierarchical
business
object
from
the
Siebel
application,
the
connector
attempts
to
return
a
business
object
to
the
integration
broker
that
exactly
matches
the
current
representation
of
a
Siebel
business
component
instance.
In
other
words,
all
simple
attributes
of
each
individual
business
object
returned
to
the
integration
broker
match
the
value
of
the
corresponding
field
in
the
Siebel
business
components.
To
retrieve
the
complete
business
component,
the
connector
uses
the
primary
key
values
in
the
top-level
business
object
received
from
the
integration
broker
to
recursively
descend
through
the
corresponding
data
in
the
database.
Business
object
RetrievalByContent:
When
an
integration
broker
asks
the
connector
to
retrieve
a
hierarchical
business
object
based
on
values
in
non-key
attributes
in
the
top-level
business
object,
the
connector
uses
the
value
of
all
non-null
attributes
as
the
criteria
for
retrieving
the
data.
Business
object
creation:
When
an
integration
broker
asks
the
connector
to
create
a
hierarchical
business
object
in
the
Siebel
application,
the
connector
creates
all
the
children
of
the
top-level
business
object
prior
to
creating
the
parent.
An
exception
to
this
rule
is
when
the
relationship
between
the
parent
and
child
is
a
multi-value
link
in
Siebel
and
the
link
is
inactive.
In
this
case,
the
child
is
created
after
the
parent,
and
the
keys
are
generated
by
the
Siebel
application.
Business
object
modification:
Business
object
modification,
or
updating,
involves
comparing
the
retrieved
after
image
of
the
business
object
from
Siebel
with
the
inbound
business
object.
The
process
involves
setting
the
correct
verb
on
the
child
objects.
If
the
keys
are
set
on
the
parent
and
all
other
attributes
are
set
to
CxIgnore,
the
parent
update
is
skipped.
The
default
behavior
is
to
compare
the
after
image
from
the
Siebel
applications
with
the
inbound
business
object,
then
change
the
verbs
on
the
child
container
objects.
This
process
ensures
that
all
the
children
in
the
Siebel
application
are
made
the
same
as
the
inbound
business
object.
If
the
verb
is
not
set
on
the
children,
the
default
is
set
to
Update.
Important:
If
some
of
the
children
need
to
be
retained,
the
inbound
object
verb
must
be
set
to
DeltaUpdate,
and
verbs
must
be
set
on
each
one
of
the
Adapter
for
Siebel
eBusiness
Applications
User
Guide