Chapter 4, Description of Fields
This field is duplicated on the CDMA CALL CONTROL screen.
GPIB Example
queries the CDMA condition register.
Svc Opt 2/9 (annunciator)
This annunciator is lit when the Test Set is on a service option 2 (mobile station
data loopback) call.
GPIB Example
queries the CDMA condition register.
See Also
Traffic Data Mode field description, on page 433
Testing (annunciator)
This annunciator is lit when a FER test is in progress
GPIB Example
queries the CDMA condition register.
Passed (annunciator)
This annunciator is lit when an FER test has passed. An FER test passes when the
measured FER is less than the target FER (as set in the FER Spec field) with the
specified confidence level (as set in the Confidence field).
Example “Passed” FER measurement
FER Spec set to 1%
Confidence set to 95%
FER is displayed as 0.6%
With the parameters specified above, Passed means that the measured value of 0.6%
indicates a true FER of less than 1% with a confidence level of 95%.
GPIB Example
queries the CDMA condition register. If bit 10 is set (a decimal value of 1024), the
passed condition is true.