Chapter 4, Description of Fields
Insrt Stp
This field allows you to enter a step in the test list at the bottom of the screen.
Operating Considerations
When inserting a new test, you must select the Step# where you want to insert a
new test. When inserted, the new test forces the current test (at that step #) down
one step, and a duplicate of the current test is inserted. This duplicate is
overwritten when the new test is selected.
Screens Where Field is Present
TESTS (Order of Tests, External Devices)
Inst Echo
This field enables/disables character and screen echoing when using an external
ASCII RS-232 terminal or computer to enter or edit IBASIC programs.
This setting is retained when the instrument is turned off.
Screens Where Field is Present
The Inst# field lists the number of external devices that are configured for the
tests in the current procedure.
Screens Where Field is Present
TESTS (Order of Tests)