Chapter 4, Description of Fields
This setting determines the squelch operation when demodulating FM, AM or
SSB signals. Three settings are available:
• Pot uses the front-panel SQUELCH knob for squelch level adjustment.
• Open disables squelch operation.
• Fixed sets the squelch to a fixed level, disabling the front-panel SQUELCH knob con-
Operating Considerations
Most measurement processes on this screen are not displayed if the incoming
signal falls below the squelch level (with the exception of
TX Power). The
measurements are replaced by four dashes (- - - -) to indicate they have been
The decoder and Oscilloscope measurements are also disabled when the signal
has been squelched.
Spectrum Analyzer measurements are not affected by the squelch setting
(although squelch still affects whether the demodulated signal can be heard while
viewing the RF signal).
Trying to read a squelched measurement using GPIB will cause your program to
halt until the squelch is either turned down, a measurement is made, or until a
program time-out aborts the measurement process.
Screens Where Field is Present