Chapter 4, Description of Fields
This field specifies the serial communication parity setting when using the rear-
panel serial port.
This setting is retained when the instrument is turned off.
Screens Where Field is Present
The time response to open loop power control tests the mobile station’s response
to a step change in the Test Set’s output power.
GPIB Example
queries the Open Loop Time Response status event register. If bit 1 is set, the last
gated power test passed. If bit 2 is set, the last gated power test failed.
GPIB Example
queries the CDMA_2 status event register. If bit 5 is set, the last gated power test
passed. If bit 4 is set, the last gated power test failed.
Pass Word
The Pass Word field allows you to access a secured test procedure file. Test
procedures are secured using the
SECURE_IT program in ROM. Load and run the
IB_UTIL program to access the SECURE_IT program.
Screens Where Field is Present
TESTS (Save/Delete Procedure)