Chapter 4, Description of Fields
RF Chan Std
This field is displayed when Chan is selected in the RF Display field on the
Use the RF channel standard field to select the channel standard for the radio-
under-test. The RF Generator’s and the RF Analyzer’s frequencies are
automatically set to correspond to the channel number entered in the
RF Channel
Some of the RF Chan Std choices require that the Test Set is configured to operate
with a specific Agilent Technologies 83236 model (
table 16 on page 366). The
choices displayed will be limited to the RF channel standard’s your hardware is
capable of providing. If you do not know if you 83236B is equipped with Option
007, one way to find out is to query the Test Set using the GPIB Common
Command, *IDN? (refer to the E8285A Condensed Programming Reference
Guide for a detailed description of this command). If you have Option 007, the
word “WIDEBAND” will be included in the string returned by the Test Set.
GPIB Example
selects a user-defined RF Channel Standard, The base frequency, channel spacing,
and offset between generator and analyzer frequencies are settable on the Config-
ure screen when USER-DEF is selected. “
Operating Considerations
For the NAMPS standards, a third letter is added indicating which frequency band
is used: upper, middle, or lower. For example, when testing a mobile station using
the lower band, choose
USER-DEF selection is used to define your own channel assignments. When
USER-DEF is selected, you enter the Base Freq, Chan Space, and
(Gen)-(Anl) settings, found on the Configure screen.
See Also
Base Freq (User Defined) field description, on page 183
Chan Space (User Defined) field description, on page 202
Screens Where Field is Present