
Chapter 4, Description of Fields
MS Database
This field displays information obtained from the mobile station during
registration. Depending on the settings of the
Protocol field and the RF
Channel Std
field, some combination of the following modes are available,
ESN as the default displayed parameter.
ESN - Electronic Serial Number, a permanent, physical attribute of the mobile station.
MCC - Mobile Country Code - displayed when IS-95A or J-STD-008 is selected in the
"Protocol" field on page 346
MNC - Mobile Network Code - displayed when IS-95A or J-STD-008 is selected in the
"Protocol" field on page 346
MSIN - Mobile Station Identification Number - displayed when IS-95A or
J-STD-008 is selected in the
"Protocol" field on page 346
MIN1 - Part of the Mobile IdeNtification number, a permanent NAM value - displayed
when IS-95 is selected in the
"Protocol" field on page 346
MIN2 - Part of the Mobile IdeNtification number, a permanent NAM value - displayed
when IS-95 is selected in the
"Protocol" field on page 346
Phone Num - The 10-digit directory telephone number.
Dual Mode - Part of the mobile stations’ SCM, a permanent, physical attribute of the
mobile station.
Slot Class -Part of the mobile stations’ SCM, a permanent, physical attribute of the
mobile station
Pwr Class - Part of the mobile stations’ SCM, a permanent, physical attribute of the
mobile station
Tx Mode - Part of the mobile stations’ SCM, a permanent,
physical attribute of the mobile station
C Max EIRP - Cellular (BAND_CLASS 0, 2, or 3) MAX_EIRP (Maximum Effective
Isotropic Radiated Power) expressed in dBW (MAX_EIRP +60 dBW). Values range
from 0 to 255. Displayed when TIA/EIA-95B is selected in the
"Protocol" field on
page 346
P Max EIRP - PCS (BAND_CLASS 1 or 4) MAX_EIRP (Maximum Effective
Isotropic Radiated Power) expressed in dBW (MAX_EIRP +60 dBW). Displayed when
TIA/EIA-95B is selected in the
"Protocol" field on page 346
C Op Modes- Cellular (BAND_CLASS 0, 2, or 3) OP_MODE_INFO. Bits that are
set are displayed in MS Database as comma-separated numeric character string (e.g. If
OP_MODE0 and OP_MODE1 are set, the displayed string will be 0,1). Displayed
when TIA/EIA-95B is selected in the "Protocol" field on page 346.
P Op Modes- PCS (band class 1 or 4) OP_MODE_INFO. Bits that are set are
displayed in MS Database as comma-separated numeric character string (e.g. If
OP_MODE0 and OP_MODE1 are set, the displayed string will be 0,1). Displayed
when TIA/EIA-95B is selected in the "Protocol" field on page 346.