Connecting the Machine
IEEE 802.11b (wireless LAN)
This section lists the settings required for using the printer or LAN-Fax function
with IEEE 802.11b (wireless LAN).
For details about how to specify the settings, see “Interface Setting”.
Effective Protocol
, check that the protocol you want to use is set to
❒ [IEEE 802.11b] and [LAN Type] are displayed when the wireless LAN interface
board is installed. If both Ethernet and wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11b) are con-
nected, the selected interface takes precedence.
p.54 “Interface Settings”
Menu User Tool Setting Requirements
Interface Setting/Network Machine IPv4 Address Necessary
Interface Setting/Network IPv4 Gateway Address As required
Interface Setting/Network Machine IPv6 Address As required
Interface Setting/Network IPv6 Gateway Address As required
Interface Setting/Network IPv6 Stateless Setting As required
Interface Setting/Network DNS Configuration As required
Interface Setting/Network DDNS Configuration As required
Interface Setting/Network Domain As required
Interface Setting/Network WINS Configuration As required
Interface Setting/Network Effective Protocol Necessary
Interface Setting/Network NCP Del. Protocol As required
Interface Setting/Network NW Frame Type As required
Interface Setting/Network SMB Computer Name As required
Interface Setting/Network SMB Work Group As required
Interface Setting/Network LAN Type Necessary
Interface Setting/Network Permit SNMPv3 Communictn. As required
Interface Setting/Network Permit SSL/TLS Comm. As required
Interface Setting/Network Host Name As required
Interface Setting/Network Machine Name As required
Interface Setting/IEEE 802.11b
Communication Mode Necessary
Interface Setting/IEEE 802.11b
SSID Setting As required
Interface Setting/IEEE 802.11b
Channel As required
Interface Setting/IEEE 802.11b
Security Type As required
Interface Setting/IEEE 802.11b
Communication Speed As required