• If Paragon II does not detect any associations with that server, a message indicating ”No
Outlets / Access Denied” appears, and the action is cancelled.
• If the server has associated power outlets, but the user is not authorized to control those
outlets, a ”No Outlets / Access Denied” message appears and the action is cancelled.
• If Paragon II sees that this server is associated with at least one power outlet, it will switch to
that server. The OSUI will remain on-screen, displaying a list of power outlets associated
with the specific server. This allows users to see the server before power is cycled to it.
− Four choices are offered in this menu: Power Off (X), Power On (O), Recycle Power (R),
and Select All (A).
If the server is powered OFF, pressing O will power ON the outlet instantly.
If the server is powered ON, pressing X or R will activate a confirmation dialog “Are
you sure (yes/no)?” As a safeguard, type in the whole word “yes”, to confirm cutting
power to the server. Typing in “y” only, or any word other than “yes” will be taken as
a “no” response.
In the case of a server associated with multiple outlets, such as a server with dual
power supplies, pressing A will highlight all of the associated outlets, allowing them
to be turned on, off, or recycled simultaneously.
Control Power from the Outlet Selection Menu
A connected power strip is treated as a tiered device. The power strip, therefore, has its own
device menu consisting of “ports” for each power outlet with which power can be controlled on a
per-outlet basis.
• Navigate the Paragon II OSUI Selection Menu, select the Raritan Power Strip and press
Enter. You will now be at the “Outlet Selection” menu.
• A list of outlets (up to 8 per page) will appear. Outlets in green are switched ON; outlets in
black are switched OFF.
• Press X, O, or R to turn off, turn on, or recycle power to the outlet respectively. Type “yes”
to confirm turning off the power if you select X or R.
Get Power Strip Unit Status from the Outlet Selection Menu
At any time while navigating the “Outlet Selection” Menu, pressing F11 will provide a status
screen showing certain parameters of the connected power strip. These parameters vary
depending on the model of the power strip, and they may include:
− Average power
− True RMS Current
− True RMS Voltage
− Internal Temperature
Apparent Power
− Maxi
mum Detected
− Outlet Circuit Breaker
Note: Unlike second tier channel ports, the power outlet “channel ports” will not appear in the
list of channels when the OSUI is in the “channel name” view.
Paragon II Network Port
Paragon II has a network port and is designed as a network-aware device. This network port is
used to communicate with Paragon Manager administrative software, packaged with the Paragon
switch (see Paragon Manager User Guide for additional information; this user guide is located
on the “User Manuals & Quick Setup Guides” CD, or you can visit Raritan’s Product
Documentation Web page: http://www.raritan.com/support/productdocumentation