• This function can be remotely triggered through Raritan’s IP-Reach (if any).
Note: Accessing the ACTIVATOR channel with the Forced Video command CANNOT trigger the
Multiple Video function. The associated channels will not output their data automatically.
Exit the Multiple Video Mode
The hot key for triggering the OSUI is disabled on FOLLOWER user stations. Therefore, choose
one method below to make the user station(s) exit the Multiple Video mode.
• On the ACTIVATOR User Station, press the hot key (default: Scroll Lock) twice quickly to
trigger the OSUI, and then do one of the following. Both of the ACTIVATOR and
FOLLOWER user stations will exit the mode.
− Press Shift+F9 to disconnect the ACTIVATOR channel
− Press F9 to log out of the system
− Choose another channel in the Selection Menu
• Directly power cycle the desired user station(s), be it an ACTIVATOR or FOLLOWER user
Note: If the user station is P2-USTIP, it automatically enters the remote mode when logged out of
the Multiple Video mode. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete on the P2-USTIP if you want to return to the
local mode.
The function is not applicable to those channels which share only one path via the tiered device,
such as P2ZCIM, P2CIM-APS2-B or P2CIM-AUSB-B (for IBM BladeCenter servers).
Messages on the ACTIVATOR User Station
The success and/or failure of data outputs of the FOLLOWER channel(s) will be displayed on the
screen of the ACTIVATOR user station (see the sample image below).
Figure 52 Sample Messages for Multiple Video Output Results
The 1
FOLLOWER channel successfully outputs its data
The 2
FOLLOWER channel successfully outputs its data
The 3
FOLLOWER channel CANNOT successfully output its data
Every FOLLOWER channel successfully outputs its data