Diamond Configurations
Single diamond configuration:
A user configured on the second tier and connected to UMT-2A has access only to UMT-3A,
while a user connected to UMT-2B can access both UMT-3A and UMT-3B. The base-tier
(UMT-1) administrator has access to all Paragon switches in the single diamond configuration.
The following procedure must be followed to ensure this configuration functions properly:
− After re-connection, all Paragon switches should undergo a FUNC reset to clear the
database. See Reset Unit under Paragon II Front Panel Display and Controls in
Chapter 2 for m
ore information on clearing the database. This procedure should be
performed starting from the third-tier device down to the Base Unit.
− Execute the FUNC reset in the following order: UMT-3A → UMT-2A → UMT-2B →
Figure 95 Single Diamond Configuration
Double diamond configuration
Officially, the Double Diamond configuration is NOT a Raritan-approved solution if stacking
units or P2-HubPac is included in the configuration. Therefore, it is highly recommended to avoid
this configuration especially when using Paragon II stacking units or the P2-HubPac.
Figure 96 Double Diamond Configuration