9. Press F2 to go to the Selection Menu and verify that blade server status has been updated.
Green channels indicate that there is a blade server installed and it is powered on; black
channels indicate that either there is no blade server installed or the installed blade server is
powered off.
Figure 81 IBM Blade Server Status After Refreshing
If any user is accessing any blade server while the refresh command is issued by the administrator,
two results are possible:
• If the keyboard/mouse activity has been idle for more than 200ms, the user(s) will be
disconnected and the refresh command is executed.
• Otherwise, the refresh command is NOT executed and the message “BladeServer is
occupied” will be displayed in the message bar.
Renaming a BladeCenter Chassis
By default, IBM BladeCenter is named “IBM-Blade” in the Selection Menu of Paragon system
1. When Paragon’s OSUI is on the screen, press F5 to go to the Administration Menu.
2. Select the Channel Configuration submenu, and press Enter.
3. Select the IBM BladeCenter’s channel and press Enter. The highlight turns light blue.
Figure 82 Renaming the Channel of IBM BladeCenter Chassis
4. Type the desired server name - the highlight will turn green as you begin to type.
5. Press Enter - the highlight will turn yellow.
6. Press S to save the new name.