On-Screen User
Interface (OSUI)
Replace the keyboard. OSUI works only with PS/2 or extended AT-
style keyboards.
Video is “fuzzy” or out
of focus.
Video Gain Adjustment is required (especially needed with LCD flat
panel monitors).
− Activate OSUI (by hitting the Scroll Lock key twice
− Use numeric keypad + and - keys to adjust the video image
until it is in focus.
Powering-On Sequence of Multi-Tier Configuration
In a multi-tier configuration, the order of powering ON is critical to proper function.
When powering ON existing stable configurations (i.e., if you are NOT replacing or adding
Paragon switches and NOT swapping their order) or when you are Power Cycling a cascaded
configuration, we recommend that you power on the Paragon switches in the following sequence:
1. Power ON the third tier (if a third tier exists).
2. Power ON the second tier.
3. Power ON the Paragon II base tier (first tier).
For configurations where Paragon switches are added, replaced, or swapped (in order), we
recommend powering ON starting from the third tier, then moving to the second tier, and then the
base tier, and in addition, performing a partial reset of the database on impacted switches. For
example, if you swap the switches connected to the base tier, perform the partial reset on the base
tier. If you swap the switches connected to the second tier, perform the partial reset from the
second tier to the base tier.
User stations can be powered ON and OFF at any time as needed.
There is a five-second ON/OFF down time in the matrix switch or Paragon II power cycle.
Paragon II FAQs Online
Frequently Asked Questions for Paragon II are now located online at: