• Login Sleep: This is a power-saving mode that is activated when the Login Menu is
displayed on the screen. Login Sleep acts as a screensaver if the user station is idle (no
keyboard or mouse activity) for a specified amount of time. When an administrator sets this
mode, it applies to a Paragon switch and its attached configuration; individual users can
change this mode in the Login Sleep field of their User Profile screens. Edit this field and
the Minutes field that follows to determine how the system handles sleep mode. Possible
values are Saver, Green, and Off. Use the Ç and È keys to toggle between these values.
− Saver: The login screen or the OSUI are “floaters” and appear regularly in random
locations on the screen.
− Green: The monitor goes blank.
− Off: Login Sleep is disabled and the screen displays normal video indefinitely.
− If Login Sleep is set to Saver or Green, in the Minutes field, type the number of minutes
of inactivity before Login Sleep is triggered. Using leading zeroes if necessary, type in a
two-digit number of minutes from 01 to 99, or use the Ç and È keys to increase and
decrease the current value by 1 respectively. The default setting is 05. If Login Sleep is
set to “Off,” the number in this field has no effect.
• Require Password: Determines whether a user can specify a blank password, that is, delete
any existing password and have no password at all. Use the Ç and È keys to toggle between
“No” (users may delete their existing passwords) and “Yes” (the default setting; starting with
the first time they change their password, users must always specify a password). Newly
created users always start with no password, and must assign one to themselves during initial
• Default Login Name Blank: Determines whether the User Name field in the Login screen
will be blank, or if the field will contain the default user name (the first available “userxy”
name, where “xy” is a two-digit number with leading zeroes—“user01,” “user02,” and so on).
Use the Ç and È keys to toggle between “Yes” (the field is blank – the default value) and
“No” (field contains the user name).
2. When you are finished, either press
Enter followed by
the letter S to save your changes, or
press Esc to abort the changes and continue using the previous settings.
Video Redirection (Forced Video)
You can have any server send its video/keyboard/mouse data to any user station other than yours.
This function is called “Forced Video” and it can be performed using either OSUI or Paragon
As an administrator, you can authorize specific normal users to perform this function. Both of the
authorization and operation of these users can only be done through Paragon Manager. In
addition, with Paragon Manager, you can remotely operate the Forced Video function. See
Paragon Manager User Guide for additional information. This user guide is located on the
“User Manuals & Quick Setup Guides” CD, or you can visit Raritan’s Product Documentation
Web page: http://www.raritan.com/support/productdocumentation
Those who have the permission to perform Forced Video include:
• Administrator (by default)
• Users with Administrator privileges (by default)
• Users who are authorized to perform the Forced Video function; however, these users must
operate the function through Paragon Manager only instead of OSUI
Illustration Example
You are operating on the user station “A” as shown in the diagram below. Now you can issue the
Forced Video command to direct one server to output its data to one of the user stations
connected to the same
Paragon II matrix switch as your user station. It is impossible to direct the