2. Launch the Paragon Update utility, and choose the .hex file, “R-P2SBL-0C5.hex,” as the
firmware file, and then click the “Send To Paragon” button. For details on the operation of
the Paragon Update utility, see Paragon Manager User Guide.
Important: Do NOT interrupt the upgrade process. Otherwise it results in permanent
3. Stacking Unit automatically restarts itself after the update completes.
Verify the Firmware Version
Use the Function Menu on the Front Panel to check the firmware version. See Paragon II Front
Panel Display and Contr
ols in Chapter 2 for more information.
Recovering Stacking Units after Upgrade Failure
If a Stacking Unit encounters the updat
e failure, with its failsafe capability
, you can restore the
Stacking Unit’s function by yourself.
1. Make sure only one Stacking Unit (the one that encounters the update failure) is connected to
the Main Unit. If not, refer to STEP 2 in the previous section Updating Stacking Units for
Failsafe Upgrade Feature for instructions.
2. Check the Fr
ont Panel LCD display on the Stacking Unit to see whether it enters the boot
loader mode as shown below:
Figure 102 Boot Loader Mode of the Stacking Unit
If not, press and hold FUNC and ESC on the Front Panel of the Stacking Unit simultaneously,
and power cycle the Stacking Unit at the same time. This forces it to enter the boot loader
3. Follow the steps outlined in General Update Procedure in this chapter to u
pgrade your
Stacking Unit, but you must choose the .hex file, “R-P2SBL-0C5.hex,” as the firmware file.
User Stations
Updating User Stations for Failsafe Upgrade Feature (P2-UST Only)
The failsafe capability is a standard feature of the P2-EUST and P2-EUST/C. P2-UST with a
version older than 1F9 does not have this feature. For an older P2-UST, you can simply upgrade
its firmware to get the failsafe feature.
The procedures are the same as those outlined in General Update Procedure. Note that th
filename for upgrading the P2-UST user station for failsafe capability is “V5_1F9.hex” or later.
Verify the Firmware Version
On the upgraded user station, activate the OSUI screen, and press F8 to display the user station’s
version information.