User Port Timeout
Similar to the Logoff Timeout field in the System Configuration submenu (see System
Configuration for more details), this field also sets up the amount of time in minutes the user
station can remain inactive (no keyboard and mouse activity) before the logged-in user at this
user station is logged out of the Paragon II system. The difference between these two is the
Logoff Timeout field controls all user stations of the system, and the User Port Timeout field
controls only the one you are operating.
To turn on the function, use any arrow key to move the highlight to the User Port Timeout field,
press Enter to turn the highlight green, use any arrow key to toggle the field to “On,” and press
Enter again to select it.
To specify the amount of inactive time preferred, press ¼ to highlight the next field, press Enter
to turn the highlight green, type in the desired two-digit number from 01 to 99 minutes (or use the
Ç and È keys to increase or decrease the field by 1), and press Enter again to select it.
Press S to save the changes, or press Esc and then N to exit without saving. The changes are
applied only to the user port at which the changes were made. Note that the timeout setting is not
assigned to the user station. The setting is assigned to the user port. Any user station can be
connected to the port and will be “timed out” based on the setting.
Note: If you turn on both of the Logoff Timeout and User Port Timeout functions at the same time,
only the User Port Timeout function is applied to the user station(s) where the User Port Timeout
is enabled. However, the Logoff Timeout setting is applied back once you turn off the User Port
Timeout field at the user station(s).