
13: Application Examples
SLCâ„¢ 8000 Advanced Console Manager User Guide 256
___Current Device Port
Number: 2 Name: Port-2
Modem Settings-------------Data Settings----------IP Settings-------
Modem State: disabled Baud Rate: 9600 Telnet: disabled
Modem Mode: text Data Bits: 8 Telnet Port: 2002
Timeout Logins: disabled Stop Bits: 1 SSH: disabled
Local IP: negotiate Parity: none SSH Port: 3002
Remote IP: negotiate Flow Control: xon/xoff IP: <none>
Authentication: PAP Logins: disabled
CHAP Host: <none> Break Sequence: \x1bB
CHAP Secret: <none> Check DSR: disabled
NAT: disabled Close DSR: disabled
Dial-out Login: <none>
Dial-out Password: <none>
Dial-out Number: <none>
Dial-back Number: usernumber
Initialization Script: <none>
Logging Settings----------------------------------------------------
Local Logging: disabled USB Logging: disabled
Email Logging: disabled Log to: upper slot
Byte Threshold: 100 Max number of files: 10
Email Delay: 60 seconds Max size of files: 2048
Restart Delay: 60 seconds
Email To: <none>
Email Subject: Port %d Logging
Email String: <none>
NFS File Logging: disabled
Directory to log to: <none>
Max number of files: 10
Max size of files: 2048
2. Change the baud to 57600 and disable flow control:
[SLC]> set deviceport port 2 baud 57600 flowcontrol none
Device Port settings successfully updated.
3. Connect to the device port:
[SLC]> connect direct deviceport 2
4. View messages from the SUN server console:
Mar 15 09:09:44 tssf280r sendmail[292]: [ID 702911 mail.info] starting
daemon (8.12.2+Sun): SMTP+queueing@00:15:00
Mar 15 09:09:44 tssf280r sendmail[293]: [ID 702911 mail.info] starting
daemon (8.12.2+Sun): queueing@00:15:00
Mar 15 14:44:40 tssf280r sendmail[275]: [ID 702911 mail.info] starting
daemon (8.12.2+Sun): SMTP+queueing@00:15:00
Mar 15 14:44:40 tssf280r sendmail[276]: [ID 702911 mail.info] starting
daemon (8.12.2+Sun): queueing@00:15:00
5. Reboot the SUN server:
<shutdown messages from SUN>