12: Maintenance
SLCâ„¢ 8000 Advanced Console Manager User Guide 250
3. You have the following options:
- To add the defined event, click the Add Event button. The event displays in the Events
table at the bottom of the page.
- To edit an event, select the event from the Events table and click the Edit Event button.
The Maintenance > Events page displays the event.
- To delete an event, select the event from the Events table and click the Delete Event
button. A message asks for confirmation. Click OK.
4) To save, click Apply.
Events Commands
To manage the response to events that occur in the SLC 8000 advanced console manager:
admin events add <trigger> <response>
<trigger> is one of:
<response> is one of:
action <syslog>
action <fwdalltrapseth|fwdseltrapeth> ethport <1|2> nms <SNMP NMS>
community <SNMP Community> [oid <SNMP OID>]
action <fwdalltrapsmodem|fwdseltrapmodem> deviceport <Device Port
# or Name> nms <SNMP NMS> community <SNMP Community> [oid <SNMP
Trap OID>]
action <fwdalltrapsmodem|fwdseltrapmodem> usbport <U1|U2>
nms <SNMP NMS> community <SNMP Community> [oid <SNMP Trap OID>]
action <fwdalltrapsmodem|fwdseltrapmodem> internal modem
nms <SNMP NMS> community <SNMP Community> [oid <SNMP Trap OID>]
action <emailalert> emailaddress <destination email address>
<?xml version="1.0"?><body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml
xfa:APIVersion="Acrobat:11.0.7" xfa:spec="2.0.2" style="font-
stretch:normal"><p dir="ltr"><span dir="ltr" style="font-
style:italic">On behalf of christi </span><spandir="ltr"
style="">insert: <span dir="ltr" style="color:#0A0A0A">action
Modem Connection
For actions that require a modem connection (for example, Forward All Traps to a
Modem Connection, select which modem connection to use (Device Port, USB
Port U1, USB Port U2, or the Internal Modem). Connections available depend on
the model of the SLC unit.
NMS/Host to forward
trap to
For actions that forward a trap, enter the IP address of the computer to forward the
trap to. The computer does not have to be an SNMP NMS; it just has to be capable
of receiving SNMP traps.
SNMP Community Forwarded traps are sent with this SNMP community value
There is no default.
SNMP Trap OID Enter a unique identifier for an SNMP object. (An SNMP object is anything that can
hold a value and can be read using an SNMP "get" action.) The OID consists of a
string of numbers separated by periods (for example, Each number is
part of a group represented by the number on its left.
Email Addresses Enter an email address to receive email alerts.