11: User Authentication
SLCâ„¢ 8000 Advanced Console Manager User Guide 179
2) Continue to set Local User Passwords
2. Click the Apply button.
Adding, Editing or Deleting a User
Through this User Authentication > Local/Remote Users page, you can delete a user listed in the
table or open a page for adding or editing a user.
To add a user:
1. On the User Authentication > Local/Remote Users, click the Add/Edit User button. The User
Authentication > Local/Remote User > Add/Edit User page displays.
Complex Passwords Select to enable the SLC unit to enforce rules concerning the password structure
(e.g., alphanumeric requirements, number of characters, punctuation marks).
Disabled by default.
Complexity rules:
Passwords must be at least eight characters long.
They must contain one upper case letter (A-Z), one lower case letter (a-z), one
digit ( 0-9), and one punctuation character (()`~!@#$%%^&*-+=\{}[]:;"'<>,.?/_).
Allow Reuse Select to enable users to continue to reuse old passwords. If you disable the
check box, they cannot use any of the Reuse History number of passwords.
Enabled by default.
Reuse History The number of passwords the user must use before reusing an old password. The
default is 4.
For example, if you set reuse history to 4, the user may reuse an old password
after using 4 other passwords.
Password Lifetime
The number of days until the password expires. The default setting is 90.
Warning Period
The number of days ahead that the system warns that the user's password will
expire. The default setting is 7.
Max Login Attempts The number of times (up to 8) the user can attempt to log in unsuccessfully before
the system locks the user out. The default setting is 0 (disabled).
Lockout Period
The number of minutes (up to 90) the locked-out user must wait before trying to
log in to the web interface again. The default setting is 0 (disabled).