
9: USB/SD Card Port
SLC™ 8000 Advanced Console Manager User Guide 161
3. Enter the following fields.
Data Settings
Note: Check the modem’s equipment settings and documentation for the proper
settings. The attached modem must have the same settings.
Modem Settings
Note: Depending on the State and Mode you select, different fields are available.
Baud The speed with which the device port exchanges data with the attached serial
From the drop-down list, select the baud rate. Most devices use 9600 for the
administration port, so the device port defaults to this value. Check the equipment
settings and documentation for the proper baud rate.
Data Bits Number of data bits used to transmit a character. From the drop-down list, select
the number of data bits. The default is 8 data bits.
Parity Parity checking is a rudimentary method of detecting simple, single-bit errors.
From the drop-down list, select the parity. The default is none.
Stop Bits The number of stop bit(s) used to indicate that a byte of data has been transmitted.
From the drop-down list, select the number of stop bits. The default is 1.
Flow Control A method of preventing buffer overflow and loss of data. The available methods
include none, xon/xoff (software), and rts/cts (hardware). The default is none.
State Indicates whether an external modem is attached to the device port. If enabling,
set the modem to dial-out, dial-in, dial-back, dial-on-demand, dial-in/host list, or
dial in, dial-on-demand, CBCP Server, and CBCP Client. Disabled by default. See
Modem Dialing States (on page 152) for more information.
Mode The format in which the data flows back and forth:
Text: In this mode, the SLC unit assumes that the modem will be used for
remotely logging into the command line. Text mode can only be used for
dialing in or dialing back. Text is the default.
PPP: This mode establishes an IP-based link over the modem. PPP
connections can be used in dial-out mode (e.g., the SLC 8000 advanced
console manager connects to an external network), dial-in mode (e.g., the
external computer connects to the network that the SLC unit is part of), or dial-
Use Sites Enables the use of site-oriented modem parameters which can be activated by
various modem-related events (authentication, outbound network traffic for dial-
on-demand connections, etc.). Sites can be used with the following modem
states: dial-in, dial-back, dial-on-demand, dial-in & dial-on-demand, dial-back &
dial-on-demand, and CBCP server.