10: Connections
SLCâ„¢ 8000 Advanced Console Manager User Guide 172
telnet <IP Address or Name> [port <TCP Port>]
trigger <now|datetime|chars>
udp <IP Address> [port <UDP Port>]
Note: If the trigger is datetime (establish connection at a specified date/time), enter the
date parameter. If the trigger is chars (establish connection on receipt of a specified
number or characters or a character sequence), enter the charxfer parameter and either
the charcount or the charseq parameter.
To connect a device port to another device port or an outbound network connection (data
flows in one direction):
connect unidirection <Device Port # or Name> dataflow <toendpoint|
fromendpoint> <endpoint>
Endpoint is one of:
charcount <# of Chars>
charseq <Char Sequence>
datetime <MMDDYYhhmm[ss]>
deviceport <Port # or Name>
exclusive <enable|disable>
ssh <IP Address or Name> [port <TCP Port] >]
<SSH flags>]
where <SSH flags> is one or more of:
user <Login Name>
version <1|2>
command <Command to Execute>
tcp <IP Address> [port <TCP Port>]
telnet <IP Address or Name> [port <TCP Port]
trigger <now|datetime|chars>
udp <IP Address> [port <UDP Port>]
Note: If the trigger is datetime (establish connection at a specified date/time), enter the
date parameter. If the trigger is chars (establish connection on receipt of a specified number
or characters or a character sequence), enter either the charcount or the charseq parameter.
To terminate a bidirectional or unidirectional connection:
connect terminate <Connection ID>
To view connections and their IDs:
show connections [email <Email Address>].
You can optionally email the displayed information.
Note: The connection IDs are in the left column of the resulting table. The connection ID
associated with a partiFcular connection may change if connection times out and is restarted.
To display details for a single connection:
show connections connid <Connection ID> [email <Email Address>
You can optionally email the displayed information.