12: Maintenance
SLCâ„¢ 8000 Advanced Console Manager User Guide 237
[email <Email Address>]
level <error|warning|info|debug>
log <all|netlog|servlog|authlog|devlog|diaglog|genlog>
display <head|tail> [numlines <Number of Lines>]
startingtime <MMDDYYhhmm[ss]
endtime <MMDDYYhhmm[ss]
Note: The level and time parameters cannot be used simultaneously.
To clear one or all of the system logs:
show syslog clear
Audit Log
The Maintenance > Audit Log page displays a log of all actions that have changed the
configuration of the SLC 8000 advanced console manager. The audit log is disabled by default.
Use the Services > SSH/Telnet/Logging page (Chapter 7: Services) to enable the audit log and to
configure its maximum size.
Each entry in the log file contains a date/time stamp, user login, and the action performed by the
user. The user may clear the log file and sort the log by date/time, user, and command. The audit
log is saved through SLC reboots.
1. Click the Maintenance tab and select the Audit Log option. The following page displays: