11: User Authentication
SLCâ„¢ 8000 Advanced Console Manager User Guide 213
Exported Keys
The SLC can generate SSH keys for SSH connections out of the SLC advanced console manager
for any SLC user. The SLC 8000 advanced console manager retains both the private and public
key on the SLC unit, and makes the public key available for export via SCP, FTP, or copy and
paste. The name of the key is used to generate the name of the public key file that is exported (for
example, <keyname>.pub), and the exported keys are organized by user and key name. Once a
key is generated and exported, you can delete the key or view the public portion. Any SSH
connection out of the SLC console manager for the designated host/user combination uses the
SSH key for authentication.
To configure the SLC unit to use SSH keys to authenticate users:
1. From the main menu, select User Authentication - SSH Keys. The following page displays.