11: User Authentication
SLCâ„¢ 8000 Advanced Console Manager User Guide 218
3. Click the Apply button.
4. Repeat steps 2-3 for each key you want to import.
5. To return to the SSH Keys page, click the Back to SSH Keys link.
SSH Commands
These commands for the command line interface correspond to the web page entries described
To import an SSH key:
set sshkey import <ftp|scp|copypaste> <one or more parameters>
[keyhost <SSH Key IP Address or Name>]
[keyuser <SSH Key User>]
[path <Path to Public Key File>]
file <Public Key File>
host <IP Address or Name>
login <User Login>
To export a key:
set sshkey export <ftp|scp|copypaste> <one or more parameters>
[format <openssh|secsh>]
[host <IP Address or Name>]
[login <User Login>]
[path <Path to Copy Key>]
bits <1024|2048|4096>
keyname <SSH Key Name>
keyuser <SSH Key User>
type <rsa|dsa>
To export the public keys of all previously created SSH keys:
set sshkey all export <ftp|scp|copypaste> [pubfile <Public Key File>]
[host <IP Address or Name>] [login <User Login>] [path <Path to Copy
Public Key Filename
Filename of the public host key.
Private Key Filename
Filename of the private host key.
Host name or IPaddress of the host from which to import the key.
Path of the directory where the host key will be stored.
User ID to use to SCP or SFTP the file.
Password /
Retype Password
Password to use to SCP or SFTP the file.