
Mixture Modeling without Training Data
Latent Structure Analysis
There is a variation of mixture modeling called latent structure analysis in which
observed variables are required to be independent within each group.
E To require that PetalLength and PetalWidth be uncorrelated and therefore (because
they are multivariate normally distributed) independent, remove the double-headed
arrow that connects them in the path diagram. The resulting path diagram is shown
here. (This path diagram is saved as the file, Ex35-b.amw.)
E Optionally, remove the constraints on the variances by deleting the parameter names,
v1 and v2. (The resulting path diagram is saved as Ex35-c.amw.)
E After deleting the double-headed arrow and possibly removing the constraints on the
variances, click the Bayesian button to perform the latent structure analysis. The
results of the latent structure analysis will not be reported here.