
Analyzing Multiply Imputed Datasets
This example demonstrates the analysis of multiply (pronounced multiplee) imputed
Analyzing the Imputed Data Files Using SPSS Statistics
Ten completed datasets were created in Example 30. That was Step 1 in a three-step
process: Use the Data Imputation feature of Amos to impute m complete data files.
(Here, m = 10.) The next two steps are:
Step 2: Perform an analysis of each of the m completed data files separately.
Step 3: Combine the results from the analyses of the m data files.
The analysis in Step 2 can be performed using Amos, SPSS Statistics, or any other
program. Without knowing ahead of time what program will be used to analyze the
completed datasets, it is not possible to automate Steps 2 and 3.
To walk through Steps 2 and 3 for a specific problem, we will analyze the
completed datasets by using SPSS Statistics to carry out a regression analysis in
which one variable (sentence) is used to predict another variable (wordmean). We will
focus specifically on the estimation of the regression weight and its standard error.