
Bootstrapping for Model Comparison
You would not ordinarily fit the saturated and independence models separately, since
Amos automatically reports fit measures for those two models in the course of every
analysis. However, it is necessary to specify explicitly the saturated and independence
models in order to get bootstrap results for those models. Five separate bootstrap
analyses must be performed, one for each model. For each of the five analyses:
E From the menus, choose View > Analysis Properties.
E In the Analysis Properties dialog box, click the Bootstrap tab.
E Select Perform bootstrap (a check mark appears next to it).
E Type 1000 in the Number of bootstrap samples text box.
E Click the Random # tab and enter a value for Seed for random numbers.
It does not matter what seed you choose, but in order to draw the exact same set of
samples in each of several Amos sessions, the same seed number must be given each
time. For this example, we used a seed of 3.
Occasionally, bootstrap samples are encountered for which the minimization
algorithm does not converge. To keep overall computation times in check: