
Exploratory Analysis
This example demonstrates structural modeling with time-related latent variables, the
use of modification indices and critical ratios in exploratory analyses, how to compare
multiple models in a single analysis, and computation of implied moments, factor
score weights, total effects, and indirect effects.
About the Data
Wheaton et al. (1977) reported a longitudinal study of 932 persons over the period
from 1966 to 1971. Jöreskog and Sörbom (1984), and others since, have used the
Wheaton data to demonstrate analysis of moment structures. Six of Wheaton's
measures will be used for this example.
Take a look at the sample means, standard deviations, and correlations for these six
measures. You will find the following table in the SPSS Statistics file, Wheaton.sav.
After reading the data, Amos converts the standard deviations and correlations into
Measure Explanation
anomia67 1967 score on the anomia scale
anomia71 1971 anomia score
powles67 1967 score on the powerlessness scale
powles71 1971 powerlessness score
education Years of schooling recorded in 1966
SEI Duncan's Socioeconomic Index administered in 1966